<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Eisner family


The Jewish school was already closed down in 1916 because there were only 10 Jewish pupils left.

 And as matter of fact, my grandfather did purchase the building in 1938. For the Jewish parish Ludwig Eisner as president signed the contract. At that time there lived the families Brauer and Kuttner in the building, but my grandfather terminated the rent-contract with a notice of 12 months.

My grandfather paid 2,500 RM. The value for the fire insurance was 13,600 RM. The value for the fire insurance at that time quite accurately reflected the market value of real estate, as was testified by the deputy head of the administration of Guttentag Wilhelm Kirmes later during the restitutions proceedings my grandfather had instigated. Consequently, my grandfather did nick the Jewish school for 1/5 of its market value.

Read here the purchase contract.